1. For all residents living within Shelby County, the SCRD provides disposal of hazardous materials, tires, electronics, confidential documents for shredding, and recycle material. The Recycle Center is located at 1316 N Michigan Rd, Shelbyville. It is on the same property as the Shelby County Transfer Station. The hours of operation are Monday-Friday, 7:30am-4:00pm, Saturday 7:30am-11:00am

Hazardous Materials include household chemicals, garage chemicals, rechargeable batteries, and fluorescent light bulbs.  (We do not accept latex, water-based paint.  Paint can be disposed of in the trash if it is dried and in solid form.)

Tires – only car and light truck tires are accepted.  Limit of 6 tires accepted.

Acceptable Items include

  • Oil-based paint or stain

  • Rechargeable Batteries

  • Vehicle Batteries

  • Flammable liquids and solids

  • Acids

  • Poisons

  • Car & Light Truck Tires (Limit 6)

  • Household Chemicals

  • Sharps Containers – Fill and exchange for new container

  • Confidential Documents for Shredding

  • Styrofoam- Must be Clean

  • House Hold Recycle Material including Food and Beverage Glass and Plastic, Cardboard, Paper, Steel and Aluminum Cans

  • Alkaline Batteries

  • Children’s Car Seats- Must be free of fabric and straps


Items not Accepted Include

  • Latex Paint (Paint can be dried and disposed of in the trash.)

  • Medication


Medication Disposal


A permanent drop box is located at the Shelby County Criminal Justice Center, 107 W. Taylor St.  This box is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Empty medication containers can be disposed of in the trash.

Recycle Center
Recycle Center
Criminal Justice Center
Permanent Drop Box